Oh, this is very simple, effective, and fast, ready in 5 minutes.
Go to your trusted supermarket, they surely have gnocchi in the fresh section or with the pasta. They are kind of flattened balls made with potatoes and flour, so I suggest you eat them for lunch, not for dinner, so you have time to do those four hours of gym and get rid of the guilt.
Also, buy "gorgonzola dolce" cheese. Don't take the spicy one, trust me. The sweeter, the better, and the more white it is, the better.
Boil some water - if you feel particularly Italian, don't use the kettle but the stove, as every Christian of the Italian boot would do.
Meanwhile, cut off the cheese crust and heat it directly in the dish or in the microwave. Mind you: this is the easy version. Let's go with the plate and the microwave.
When the water boils, add salt and throw the gnocchi into the water. They will sink to the bottom. Move them gently not to make them become one big gnocco.
When they all float to the surface, it means they are ready. Easy peasy, it will take about 3-4 minutes.
At this point, just pour the gnocchi into the melted cheese.
Last but not least, let Silvia know how much you loved this recipe.